Archive for On Writing

E. A. Aymar, Author of the DEAD Trilogy, Talks Noir and Sympathy

January 20, 2016

Noir thriller writer E. A. Aymar discusses dark impulses, character empathy, and Star Wars with Jenny Yacovissi.

Direct Submissions: Traditional Publishing, No Agent Required

May 27, 2015

When self-publishing seems overwhelming, and getting an agent seems impossible, consider direct submission to a small press for the best of both worlds.

Your Ancestors as Fiction

May 19, 2015

All those stories you’ve heard about your ancestors are ripe for turning into good fiction; you’ll just need to keep a few things in mind.

Five Traits that Make Characters Memorable

May 18, 2015

The worst thing you can ever say about a character is not that you hated him but that you found him uninteresting.

At the Bird Feeder on a Snowy Day

February 8, 2015

How does one develop writing discipline under the irresistible siren call of birds?

There’s Still Time

January 26, 2015

Our perpetually late-to-the-party author realizes you cannot unwaste time; you can only resolve not to waste any more of it.

In Praise of Nuance

December 28, 2014

Capturing just the right word has a joy all its own. Even if it means getting lost in the dictionary.